Team fortress classic free
Team fortress classic free

  • Instant Sedation: Averted by the Spy's Tranq Gun, as it just reduces the victim's movement speed.
  • Fun with Acronyms: Much like the RED note Reliable Excavation Demolition and BLU note Builders League United teams from live, the new GRN and YLW teams are also acronyms, which stand for Global Radio Network and Yard Logistics Workers, respectively.
  • The Kritzkrieg, the Sniper Rifle, the Knife, the Fishwhacker and the Flare Gun are the only ways to get full crits now, and the only sources of mini-crits are the Civilian's morale boost effect, reflecting a projectile with an airblast, hitting a Sniper with the Fishwhacker. Random crits are gone, as are most crit and mini-crit generating weapons.
  • Critical Hit: Heavily downplayed compared to the original.
  • However the bonuses he can provide for his team means he would need to lead the charge to reach the objective.
  • Cowardly Lion: It's clear the Civilian is more concerned with saving his own hide over his teammates.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: The Mann brothers may not show up, but the new Civilian has his fingers in a lot of pies, and a lot of people want him dead.
  • Blow You Away: The Pyro can still airblast like in the original game and it can also put out the bomblets from the Dynamite Pack, rendering it useless.
  • Two new teams: GRN and YLW, only available in Domination and Arena.
  • The returning Arena mode, with no respawn.
  • A new Domination mode based off the short-lived Territory Control mode from live, where teams can hold multiple points at once, increasing their score every few seconds by the number of points they control.
  • A new playable class: the Civilian, exclusive to his own game mode.
  • Spy gets his Tranquilizer Gun from the beta.
  • team fortress classic free

    And the Fishwhacker, which works similarly to live's Bushwacka. Sniper keeps the Huntsman from live, now has a Hunting Revolver with multiple shots in the clip.The Medic keeps his Kritzkrieg note Now with a custom backpack and more obviously different nozzle and Ubersaw note Now with a reduced max health to balance it out, and received a new Shock Therapy melee that can heal teammates.The Engineer gets a Coil Gun, a chargeable, projectile firing sidearm that can even ricochet its shots around corners.The Demoman gets the Gunboats now, and also gets the Dynamite Pack from the beta and the Mine Layer, which can lay down proximity mines.

    team fortress classic free

    The Pyro keeps their Flare Gun from live.The Soldier keeps his Gunboats and the one-rocket-in-the-clip RPG, now with projectile drop and significantly ramped up damage.The Scout gets his Nail Gun from the Beta.

    team fortress classic free

    New weapons for every class, as well as a few non-stock weapons returning from live:.Removal of most weapons except for stock and those discussed below.No hats, no unusuals, no taunts except the default.

    Team fortress classic free